International Team — Sales and Cooperation

All questions about publishing, distributing, licensing, and press cooperation for the Hobby World games should be addressed to the international Hobby World team:

Maria Nikolskaya

Maria Nikolskaya

International Projects Manager

If you are a reviewer and are interested in our projects, feel free to contact Maria. She’ll be happy to tell you more about our current releases, send you a sample copy of the game for coverage and to discuss other possible cooperation opportunities.

Mail: maria.nikolskaya(a)

Anna Larionova

Anna Larionova

International Sales Manager

If you are a publisher or distributor and are interested in our projects, feel free to contact Anna. She’ll be happy to get you a sample copy of the game for playtesting and to discuss all possible cooperation opportunities.

Mail: anna.larionova(a)

Dmitry Borisov

Dmitry Borisov

Head of International Sales

If you are a publisher or distributor and are interested in our projects, feel free to contact Dmitry. He’ll be happy to discuss all possible cooperation opportunities.

Mail: dmitry.borisov(a)

Business Development team

All questions about publishing your games in Russia and the CIS, localization, marketing, and sales there should be addressed to our Business Development team:

Ivan Gudzovskiy

Ivan Gudzovskiy

Business Development Manager

If you would like to publish your game in Russia and the CIS, as well as publish your project in other territories and would like to discuss all potential possibilities for localization, marketing, and sales, please contact Ivan.

Mail: ivan.gudzovskiy(a)

Alexander Ilyin

Alexander Ilyin

Business Development Manager

If you would like to publish your game in Russia and the CIS, as well as publish your project in other territories and would like to discuss all potential possibilities for localization, marketing, and sales, please contact Alexander.

Mail: alexander.ilyin(a)

Game Development Team

If you are a game designer and you’d like to show us your new project, feel free to drop a line to Pavel!

Pavel Iliin

Pavel Iliin

Head of Game Development

If you‘re a designer interested in showing us your project, feel free to drop a message to Pavel. We’re always looking for new talent and ideas in Russia and abroad. Hobby World works hard for the mutual benefit of our game designers doing our best to create high-quality products to be published all over the world.

Mail: pavel.ilyin(a)