Sunflower Valley: The Card Game

Game Designer: Wouter van Strien
Artwork: Alexander Shaldin

30 min



Game Overview

Draft and Settle Your Perfect Valley!

Sunflower Valley: The Card Game is a fast-paced drafting tableau building game where 2 to 6 players will be settling their own mountain valleys.

During the game, you will be choosing whether you want to fill your land with the high mountains, lively towns, sunflower fields or sheep pastures — and the choice won’t be easy! The railroad will connect your towns and will turn the life in the valley into a never-ending holiday. Are you ready for this journey? Hop in, the train is about to depart!

International Publishers

Key Selling Points

Family-friendly product, great match for both new and experienced players

High variability due to the various Goal cards, versatile winning strategies

The rules are explained in 5 minutes

Awesome artwork with cute sheep


135 cards

6 wooden Valley Express tokens


Rules of play

English Review by Rahdo — Watching Time: 4 min.

It’s a great first step into the wider, this is the perfect next step! It’s gorgeous, it’s so attractive, it’s simple to play and it’s very-very fast and very-very compelling! It’s really a lovely little card drafting game!

Bulgarian Review at — Reading Time: 4 min.

Sunflower Valley: The Card Game e една от най-достъпните „drafting” игри и ако някой нов играч в хобито се пресегне към 7 Wonders бих му плеснал ръцете и му бих пъхнал тази игра в скута. Механиките се обясняват с пъти по-лесно, геймплеят като цяло е по-лек и по-бърз, а вариациите за стратегии, смея да кажа, са доста повече.

Hungarian Review at — Reading Time: 5 min.

A Sunflower Valley: The Card Game látszólag nagyon egyszerű játék, de némi mélység azért lakozik benne, köszönhetően a saját kártyaigényeknek, illetve a feladatlapok által kínált számos lehetőségnek.

Game Rules (EN)

All you need to know to play the game.

Single-page Overview

Learn how to play the game at a glance.

Sales Sheet

Single-page gameplay overview with all the business information included (MSRP, MOQ, Availability).

Are you a publisher or a reviewer interested in the product? Feel free to contact us right now!