English review by Tabletopping – Reading time: 5 min.
Benevolent is a tense yet accessible game that beautifully combines a racing element with light strategy. Its quick turns and streamlined gameplay make it an enjoyable efficiency puzzle that feels different every time, catering perfectly to family audiences.
English review by @tabletop_4world – Reading time: 4 min.
It’s colorful, simple, fast paced and the decisions are not very complex. It could easily be a game that keeps children and adults equally happy.
English review by @boardgames.joel – Reading time: 3 min.
The game is very quick and simple, which is perfect if you are looking for a filler or a family game so don’t expect complex strategies from it. It does a great job for what it wants to do, which is a simple to teach game that’s great to look at and fun to play.
Spanish & English review by Free the Meeple – Reading time: 2 min.
A clear and already seen goal but presented in an original manner giving different ways to achieve it, increasing variability while maintaining simple rules. <…> Great game.
Highly recommended!
French review by @onjouakoi – Reading time: 1 min.
Un jeu familial et accessible. <…> Une très belle découverte !!