Post Office. Card Game

Game Design: Evgeny Petrov
Artwork: Natalya Kondratyuk

10 min



Game Overview

Organize packages at the post office!
Place your cards on top of each other! Cover up the mischievous mice! Make the most rows and columns containing different packages to win.

International Publishers

French edition – Origames (to be released)

Key Selling Points

Compact format allows you to play it wherever you want

Colorful illustrations by Natalya Kondratyuk, the author behind the comic “Post” and the winner of “Kommissia”


36 cards

Game rules

English review by @yvonnes_spellenkast – Reading time: 2 min.

Post Office: Card Game is a fun little game that you can play in a few minutes. It’s quite a challenge to score high, but because it plays so quickly i find myself playing a few games back to back. It also takes up very little table space, making it a great game to play on the go.

English review by @savannahwigmans – Reading time: 2 min.

It is a very fast game, the box says about 10 mins per play, and that’s quite accurate, even in a multiplayer game as everything is happening at the same time 🤓

You can take this game anywhere, it’s so small there’s always room for it.

Dutch review by – Reading time: 1 min.

Handig, klein, meenemertje voor in je tas, op de camping of als tussendoortje op een game-avond of gewoon leuk met kinderen? Ja!

English review by What Board Game – Reading time: 4 min.

If you enjoy simple card-laying games, with pattern building and simple but interesting scoring, this could be one to check out. It has a tiny footprint both in terms of cost and size, so it fits easily into any collection, handbag, or pocket. Well worth checking out if you are looking for a new portable game.

English review by @madboardgamer – Reading time: 2 min.

Post Office The Card Game is a super quick, easy to get to the table game with a pretty challenging puzzle! The game can get up and played in about 10-15 minutes making it a great ‘anywhere, anytime’ type game. I like the ease of pick and pass, not original but it creates a quick and easy flowing game. Placing the cards is simple but the puzzle is much more challenging than it seems-getting the packages in the right place and trying to eliminate the mice can be tough! I like the freedom to create your own layout, not beholden to a specific space. There is not a ton to the game and it’s definitely something you’ve seen and played before. It’s not trying to be anything that it isn’t but I have enjoyed my time with it. I’m not going to grab it all the time but it will hit the table solo often and in between games during game night. Although very different games, I would definitely recommend the original Post Office game over the card game but there still a place for the card game in my collection.

English review by @the_boardgame_connaisseur – Reading time: 1 min.

Post Office is a game of strategy, spatial planning, and mouse eviction.
It is really simple to explain and execute. Games are super fast and still no outcome is the same. It isn’t groundbreaking new in mechanics, there are other games like it. But the theme, art and quick gameplay make up for it and its travel size is perfect.
For me a keeper!

Spanish review by @juegosconarte – Reading time: 1 min.

El juego destaca por sus ilustraciones coloridas y encantadoras, obra de Natalya, que aportan una atmósfera vibrante y atractiva. Su formato compacto y diseño cuidado hace que nos den ganas de jugarlo.

Game Rules (EN)

All you need to know to play the game.

Sell Sheet

Single-page gameplay overview with all the business information included (MSRP, Availability).

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