Space Bureau

Game Design: Andrey Kolupaev
Artwork: Polina Kulagina, Evgeny Zubkov, Nick Gerts

60 min



Game Overview

Welcome to the Space Bureau, the inter-corporate entity that regulates galactic exploration and the opening of new markets in space.
Your resume has impressed the management so much that they’re willing to give you a job as captain and even give you own spaceship! Travel through hyperspace wormholes to explore the small Universe, help trade agents get to their new jobs and open the best offices in outer space! Godspeed!

International Publishers


Key Selling Points

Original network action selection mechanism

Satisfying combo-oriented process

Corporation parody setting filled with numerous Easter eggs


4 spaceship boards

4 spaceship cabin tiles

1 bureau board

28 space hexes

62 trade agent tiles

1 bag for tiles

6 captain ability tiles

16 wooden pieces

105 other cardboard tokens

Game Rules

Promo Captain Ability Tiles Pack

These promo captain ability tiles can be added to the other abilites of the base game.

All abilities are used before the cell action (i.e. immediately after placing the trade agent tile in the cell). Players are not required to use an ability or may only receive a partial ability bonus.

All promo captain abilities are related to the concepts of ship areas. Each ship consists of 3 visually separated areas (2 vertical columns in each) and 4 rows — horizontal cell lines.

Captain ability – C7:

Whenever you place a third trade agent within one ship area, you may spend one fuel to place an office or get a sample from a planet or megamall.

Captain ability – C8:

Whenever the connectors of trade become adjusted on the border of the ship areas:
> in the 1st or 2nd row – get 2 fuel;
> in the 3rd or 4th row – start a flight or move bureau marker 2 rooms further.

Captain ability – C9:

At the start of the game receive 2 special tiles with bonuses and place them in different areas of the ship – one in the 2nd row, the other in the 3rd row.
Whenever you place a trade agent next to a special tile with bonuses, get one of the bonuses shown on the tile.

English review by @savannahwigmans – Reading time: 3 min.

I really enjoyed all my plays so far. The front side of each player board is the same, but the backside is different. There is even a built in expansion! I highly suggest this game for family +, as there are a few rules you have to go through, but once all the icons are clear, you’re good to go 🚀🛸😁

German review by @smellslikeboardgames – Reading time: 2 min.

Alles in allem ist Space Bureau ein originelles Brettspiel auf Familienlevel, welches man Wenigspielern definitiv empfehlen kann. ✌🏻

Rating: 7/10 🌟

Dutch review by Spellenblog Spinli – Reading time: 5 min.

Haal al die schattige agenten aan bord, maar let wel op de kleuren en connectoren, anders zou je het jezelf wel eens héél moeilijk kunnen maken. In deze spannende ruimterace zal er zich ongetwijfeld een spannende puntenstrijd ontwikkelen, want de eindtotalen liggen verduiveld dicht bij elkaar. Elke actie lijkt dan ook erg uitgebalanceerd, en iedereen beseft ook wel dat hij zowel alles moet trachten te bouwen (of toch zo veel mogelijk) en als het even kan de nodige setjes te verzamelen aan diverse materialen want deze kunnen zeker de doorslag geven. Tussendoor lever je ook nog graag de agenten aan de juiste planeet af in het bezit zijnde van dezelfde kleur aan grondstoffen, want elk puntje telt.

Spanish review by @ludus_lab – Reading time: 2 min.

Y vamos cerrando, Space Bureau es un juego familiar entretenido, con el tema bastante bien implementado y que a pesar de su accesibilidad requiere que preveamos nuestros turnos por adelantado si queremos sacar el máximo rendimiento a las acciones.

English review by What Board Game – Reading time: 5 min.

I would recommend this game to anyone looking for a filler plus style game. A fast but fun game that offers a crunchy and meaningful experience, but one that can be played in well under an hour. It is easy to set up and put away, easy to teach to new players, or pick up after a few weeks away from it. It delivers a game that satisfies your gaming urges for playing something of significance.

English review by @playityourself.boardgames – Reading time: 2 min.

The solo mode is very smooth, as it’s a beat your score affair. The lack of additional rules was great to learn the game!

Game Rules (EN)

All you need to know to play the game.

Sell Sheet

Single-page gameplay overview with all the business information included (MSRP, Availability).

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